Mobile Secure Container. Made Simple.

ImmunApp fights malware, repackaging and misuse, one application at a time. Malware Tracker, Repackage Tracker, Remote Kill Switch, Usage Stats, Crypto Container, Precise Billing, Device Lock, Asset Management, ...

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Get Secure !

Secure your mobile apps and mobile users in no time. If you're not using ImmunApp for your mobile workforce and for your Apps, you're at risk.

Detect repackaging attempts, illegal market and appstore publishing, manage your known good App versions.
Use Remote Kill Switch to de-activate Malware. Track and identify the Malware authors who abuse your apps.
Copy protection and license management for your apps, including Precise Billing, Device Lock, Asset Management.

Since I installed ImmunApp, I saw the number of repackaging malware attack our enterprise was suffering from, and started to fight back.

Financial Fortune-500 company

© ImmunApp